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Почему "пилотки" везде в интернете и кому это выгодно?

Интернет, несомненно, является огромным миром возможностей и информации. Однако, в последнее время всё чаще можно столкнуться с таким явлением, как "пилотки" – специально созданные материалы или статьи, содержащие обманчивую информацию под видом полноценного контента. Почему такие "пилотки" присутствуют повсюду в интернете и кому это выгодно?

Markdown helps you to write articles and format them effectively, so they are readable and visually appealing. With the use of markdown, you can create headings, subheadings, bullet points, and various other formatting options to make your article look professional and organized. To use markdown, type "#" before your heading text to make it a level 1 heading. Add more "#" symbols to switch to lower levels of headings.

Let's now dive into the topic of "Why are 'clickbait' articles so prevalent on the internet and who benefits from them?"

The Rise of Clickbait

With the rapid growth of the internet, generating revenue through online advertisements has become a significant source of income for many websites and content creators. Clickbait articles, also known as "pilots," have gained popularity due to their ability to generate high traffic and engagement. Clickbait relies on catchy headlines, often exaggerating or distorting the content within, to lure readers into clicking on the article.

Reasons for Prevalence

1. Revenue Generation

Clickbait articles primarily aim to generate revenue through advertisements. The more clicks an article receives, the more ad impressions it generates, resulting in increased revenue for the website or content creator. As a result, media outlets and individual bloggers often resort to clickbait techniques to ensure a consistent flow of traffic to their platforms.

2. Enhanced Online Visibility

In the digital age, algorithms play a crucial role in determining online visibility. Websites that generate high traffic are more likely to appear in the top search results and gain a larger social media following. Clickbait articles, with their sensationalized headlines, are often shared extensively on social media platforms, leading to increased visibility and engagement.

3. Human Psychology

Clickbait exploits basic human psychology to pique curiosity and trigger an emotional response. Sensational headlines and intriguing images tap into our innate desire for instant gratification, making us more inclined to click on the article. This psychological aspect is what makes clickbait practices so effective and prevalent.

Winners and Losers

While clickbait articles can be lucrative for websites and content creators, they often leave readers feeling deceived or dissatisfied. Clicking on an enticing headline only to find misleading or shallow content can have a negative impact on the readers' trust and the overall credibility of the platform. In this sense, readers become the losers in the clickbait scenario.

However, not all clickbait is entirely negative. Some platforms use clickbait techniques to attract readers' attention and then deliver high-quality, informative content. The key is to strike a balance between attracting readers' attention and providing them with meaningful content.


Clickbait or "pirotki" has become an integral part of the online landscape, and its prevalence can be attributed to the desire to generate revenue and improve online visibility. While it may benefit the websites and content creators initially, the negative impact on readers' trust and overall information quality is a concern. As consumers of online content, it is crucial to be vigilant and discerning while engaging with clickbait, ensuring that we seek reliable, substantial information.