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House Martell: The Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken Powerhouse of Dorne


House Martell, the ruling house of Dorne, is one of the most intriguing and powerful families in the Game of Thrones universe. Known for their resilience and fierce independence, House Martell has a rich history and a unique culture that sets them apart from the rest of Westeros. In this article, we will explore the fascinating world of House Martell and delve into their tag on

House Martell's Motto: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

House Martell's motto, "Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken," summarizes the spirit and resilience of this prominent Dornish house. Unlike other noble houses in Westeros who bend to external pressures, House Martell has historically maintained its independence and pride.

History and Origins

House Martell traces its origins back thousands of years, long before the Targaryen conquest. Legend has it that Princess Nymeria, the warrior queen of the Rhoynar, married Lord Mors Martell and brought her people to Dorne. This union bonded the Rhoynar and the Dornish, creating the foundation for what would become House Martell.

Notable Members

Prince Doran Martell

Prince Doran Martell, the head of House Martell during most of the Game of Thrones series, was known for his caution and strategical thinking. Despite being confined to a wheelchair due to a debilitating illness, Doran played a key role in the events of the series, working behind the scenes to protect his family's interests.

Oberyn Martell

Oberyn Martell, also known as the "Red Viper," captured the hearts of many Game of Thrones fans with his charm and exceptional combat skills. His tragic demise during a trial by combat against Ser Gregor Clegane left a lasting impact on the show.

Ellaria Sand

While not a Martell by blood, Ellaria Sand became a pivotal figure in House Martell's storyline. Her passionate and vengeful nature led to significant consequences, ultimately affecting the fate of House Martell.

Tag on house+martell

The tag "house+martell" on provides a collection of articles, images, and resources dedicated to House Martell. Fans of House Martell can find an abundance of content related to their favorite noble house, including:


House Martell is a dominant force in the intricate world of Game of Thrones. Their motto, "Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken," perfectly encapsulates their determination and resilience. The tag "house+martell" on offers an opportunity for fans to delve deeper into the captivating history and characters of House Martell. Whether you are a devoted fan or simply curious about this powerful Dornish house, exploring this tag will undoubtedly enrich your understanding of House Martell's role in the Game of Thrones universe.