Sky Wall

Unfortunately, I am unable to see or access the image you provided in the link "". Therefore, I cannot write an article based on it.

However, I can provide you with a general explanation of how to use Markdown to create a well-structured article. Markdown is a lightweight markup language that allows you to format text easily.

To create a structured article using Markdown, you can follow these basic guidelines:


Start your article with a title. Use the # symbol at the beginning to indicate a header level. For example:

# My Article Title


Use subheadings to divide your article into sections. Use the ## symbol to indicate a subheading. For example:

## Introduction


Write your content using paragraphs. Simply put your text on a new line. For example:

This is a paragraph of text.

Styling the Text

You can add some basic formatting to your text:


You can create ordered and unordered lists:


You can include hyperlinks in your article. Use square brackets [link text] to specify the anchor text and round brackets (url) for the URL. For example:

[Click here to visit a website](


To include an image in your article, use the following format:

![Alt Text](image-url.jpg)

Replace Alt Text with a descriptive alternative text for the image and image-url.jpg with the actual URL/path of the image.

Using Markdown, you can create a well-structured and easy-to-read article. Remember to check the final result in a Markdown viewer or converter to ensure it looks as intended.