Sky Wall

House of Lies: A Sky-Wall Production

"House of Lies" is a thought-provoking and captivating TV series that takes you deep into the world of management consulting. Produced by Sky-Wall, this critically acclaimed show offers an insider's perspective on the cutthroat business world and the lies, deceit, and manipulation often employed to achieve success.


Set in modern-day Los Angeles, "House of Lies" follows the life of Marty Kaan (played by Don Cheadle), a successful and highly sought-after management consultant. Marty, along with his ambitious and diverse team, navigates the complex world of corporate greed, all while dealing with their own personal demons.

The show delves into the high-stakes world of consulting, where Marty and his team use their intelligence, charm, and manipulation skills to get ahead. However, each episode reveals the lies and games played by these consultants and the consequences they face.


"House of Lies" explores several themes that resonate with viewers:

1. The Ethical Dilemma: The show questions the ethical boundaries of the consulting industry and the moral dilemmas faced by the characters. Viewers are prompted to reflect on the cost of success and the impact it has on personal relationships and one's integrity.

2. Power Dynamics: The series delves into the power dynamics within organizations and the tactics used to maintain control. It sheds light on the exploitation of employees and the lengths people go to climb the corporate ladder.

3. Personal Relationships: "House of Lies" offers a glimpse into the personal lives of the characters, showcasing the toll their high-pressure careers have on their relationships. The show explores themes of love, loyalty, and the sacrifices made for professional success.

4. Satirical Take on Corporate America: Through its dark humor and satire, "House of Lies" exposes the flaws and absurdities of corporate culture. It challenges the status quo and encourages viewers to question the motives behind big business decisions.


Since its premiere, "House of Lies" has received critical acclaim for its sharp writing, compelling performances, and unique portrayal of the consulting world. The series has garnered a dedicated fan base and has been praised for its authenticity in highlighting the less glamorous aspects of the business world.

"House of Lies" has also sparked conversations surrounding ethics and the pursuit of success in our society. Viewers are encouraged to question the tactics employed by consultants in their quest for profits and whether these methods are justifiable.


With its engaging storyline, complex characters, and thought-provoking themes, "House of Lies" is undoubtedly a must-watch for those interested in exploring the world of management consulting. Sky-Wall has once again produced a series that challenges societal norms and sheds light on the often hidden truths of the business world.

If you want to dive into this captivating series, head over to Sky-Wall's website and get ready to be enthralled by the House of Lies!