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TES 4: Oblivion (Рай Манкар Каморан)

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is a critically acclaimed open-world action role-playing game developed by Bethesda Game Studios. Released in 2006, it quickly became a fan favorite due to its immersive world, engaging gameplay, and captivating storyline. One of the most intriguing aspects of the game is the character of Mankar Camoran, the leader of a cult called the Mythic Dawn, who seeks to bring about the end of the world and create a new paradise.

The Mythic Dawn Cult

Mankar Camoran is the primary antagonist in Oblivion, the mastermind behind the sinister Mythic Dawn cult. The cult aims to bring about the end of the world by opening the gates to the demonic realm called 'Oblivion.' Mankar Camoran believes that this act will transcend mortal life and create a new paradise for his followers.

The player assumes the role of the Hero of Kvatch, tasked with stopping the cult's plans and defeating Mankar Camoran. Throughout the game, the player must navigate through various quests, unraveling the secrets of the cult and ultimately confronting its leader.

Mankar Camoran's Paradise

Mankar Camoran's paradise is known as "Paradise," a dimension he created by using a powerful artifact, the Amulet of Kings. In this realm, he gathers his devoted followers and rules over them as a god-like figure. Mankar Camoran's Paradise is a twisted version of Tamriel, the game's main world, with a daedric landscape and architecture.

In his paradise, Mankar Camoran enforces his will and indoctrinates his followers into his beliefs. The player must venture into this surreal realm and confront a series of challenges to ultimately confront Mankar Camoran himself.

Impact on the Game

Mankar Camoran's character and the Mythic Dawn cult play a pivotal role in the overall narrative of Oblivion. Their presence adds depth and complexity to the game's storyline, providing players with a compelling antagonist to overcome.

Additionally, Mankar Camoran's Paradise offers players a unique and visually stunning setting to explore. The surreal atmosphere and architecture of the dimension provide a stark contrast to the lush landscapes and cities of Tamriel.

Legacy and Reception

TES 4: Oblivion received widespread critical acclaim upon its release, with praise going to its expansive world, immersive gameplay, and intricate storytelling. Mankar Camoran's character, as well as the Mythic Dawn cult, were recognized as excellent additions to the game's rich lore.

The intricate writing of Mankar Camoran's character, combined with his enigmatic and charismatic personality, made him a memorable villain in the Elder Scrolls universe. Players were captivated by the allure of his paradise and the challenges it presented.


Mankar Camoran, the leader of the Mythic Dawn cult, and his creation of Paradise are essential elements of TES 4: Oblivion. The world and narrative presented in the game are elevated by the presence of this intriguing character and his dark ambitions. The game's legacy is not only attributed to its overall quality but also to the memorable characters, including Mankar Camoran, that players encountered throughout their journey in the world of Oblivion.